
• 在圓稜木質茶几上擺放簡約的花器,與屏風的圖騰紋理、醉金色把手點綴,圍塑低調而不失奢華的質感;同時,透過深淺灰色交錯的椅面搭配,為空間整體柔和婉約的色系增添豐富的層次感,與大面積的混色石材牆面和柔軟的地墊相連,展現鮮明典雅的藝術性情

Clean flower wares are displayed on the wooden table, together with the embellishment of screen’s pattern and gold handles, form a luxurious texture surrounding the space. Meanwhile, by mixing the light and dark gray chair surface, the space become soft and gentle, added a rich sense of layering. A large area of mixed-color stone walls are connected with floor mats, showing a bright and elegant artistic temperament.